Thursday, July 28, 2011


I've been thinking the past few days whether to change the title of the blog. See, the thing is, while Motherless Daughter was something I identified with for quite some time, and still do, there are events that have taken place that sometimes add or lessen the weight of "Motherless Daughter". And because of that, I think, well, maybe I should change the title as I am sure the direction of this blog will change along the way as well.

See, I'm not just a Motherless Daughter. But, I'm also a Motherless Mother. I'm a Mother. All titles that intertwine. It's not just about me being a Motherless Daughter anymore.

That being said . . . I stand uncertain but moving forward. It's a weird statement, I know. But, I guess at the end of the day, does it really matter what I call the place where I share my thoughts on motherhood . . . where I talk about missing my own mother . . . where I talk about the lessons I learned from my mother and lessons I hope to teach my own child? I don't think it really does. I mean, it is, after all, still about my mother. It is still about my being a motherless daughter. There's just more now. So. Much. More.

Monday, July 25, 2011

It's been a while. A LONG while.

Not much to say at this very moment, except that I am coming back after an incredibly LONG hiatus. Though I am not sure if the title will remain the same . . . as the content will be expanding somewhat and, well, it may just be time for a change to the whole thing. So . . . stay tuned. Lots to catch up on.

I am ready to shake off the cobwebs of writer's block. I am ready to start writing again. It is the one thing I have missed sorely as a way to connect to others, let go of my frustrations and share my joys. It's not that I had forgotten about this wonderful place I created, it's just that life took over in such a major way. And it wasn't just one thing . . . it was one thing after another after another - you get the idea. But recently a friend was looking for guest bloggers for her website as she was going on vacation. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get the writing flowing again. And it was on a topic that I had never written about publicly yet. I look forward to sharing that post with everyone . . . but, not until some filling in the blanks happens.

I'm ready. I hope you're ready to rejoin . . .